Tuesday, September 6, 2011


The lines seen in these photographs help to give it a dramatic effect.  There are many lines of pattern seen within the object.  However, there are also patterned lines around the object that can be seen.  The structure of the certain lines on the object help to give it its shape and really make the specifics of the object to stand out.  The direction the lines are going in also assist in creating a greater dynamic, while also filling up some of the possible negative space.



I believe that texture adds a lot to a photo.  It can completely change the dynamic.  When focusing on the texture of a picture, changing your levels when actually taking the picture is usually very important.  I got really close to the actual object to focus on the texture.


I wasn't quite sure of what object I wanted to capture in my photographs, so I tried thinking of things that   I could relate to and thought of this piece of art.  It is located behind the music building and is also used as a bench.  The G-clef is symbolized with music, and music is something that I associate myself with a lot.  Being a dance major I listen and dance to music all day, everyday... even when I'm at home, the music is playing.