Monday, October 3, 2011

Documentary Project. "Backstage Eyes"

I decided to do my documentary project on an idea that I seem to know most about- dance!  A lot goes on backstage before a show that not many people know about... not the "normal people" out in the audience at least.  When viewing these pictures, you will see shots that I captured both in the dressing room and behind the wings backstage.  While preparing myself for the show, I also caught others getting ready; stretching, eating, and doing hair and make-up.  These are all things dancers must do in order to be ready to perform on stage.  Some of the photos I took backstage are in a still position, while others show that there is movement going on.  You will see different elements used such as line and focus, among others.  I hope that you enjoy my documentary project on, "Backstage Eyes."

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